

Company news and updates.

U1750l38 for Combcut Weedcutters

U1750l38 for Combcut Weedcutters

This U1750L38 has been sold to William Hudson who is the UK agent for CombCut. The 4m long body makes this Unimog ideal for transportation of the…

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U1400 for Cropsraying

U1400 for Cropsraying

We sold this lovely ex-German council U1400 to a long standing customer Joe Welbon from Aberdeenshire. It replaces a 1980s U1200 which had an…

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U400 Agricultural Conversion

U400 Agricultural Conversion

We prepared this ex-Airport Unimog U400 for our longstanding customer John Packer. John bought his first Unimog (a U1200) from us in 2005. Despite…

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A Bit of History

A Bit of History

Occasionally we like to wallow in some nostalgia here at AV. Even in the 70s did anybody really think that the U900 cab was (and I quote) "A…

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Spares All over the World

Spares All over the World

Orders for spare parts have been heading off from AV headquarters to all parts of the world. Some recent shipments have included:-Fast axles and…

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Silver Lining

Silver Lining

It may look like an orange Unimog to you but to its owner it is the silver lining on the cloud of a recent accident.One of our oldest customers in…

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Spotted in Algeciras

Spotted in Algeciras

My partner Jaap Vos spotted this beauty in Algeciras which is the port in Southern Spain for travellers bound for Morocco.Have a look at their…

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Our Doka Rebuild - the Next Stage

Our Doka Rebuild - the Next Stage

What a lovely colour!This is the next stage in our refurb project for our customer in America.The engine box and axles are all going back onto the…

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What the ********* Has Frank Bought Now??

What the ********* Has Frank Bought Now??

Was it dark when you bought those Frank? - and many more highly amusing comments greeted the arrival of my latest collection of treasured and…

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Progress in Bentham -15 Years on in the 'new Build

Progress in Bentham -15 Years on in the 'new Build

Just going through some old printed pictures from the turn of the century I spotted these two on the left. So I nipped out and took two from the…

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Welcome to the Cab-o-matic

Welcome to the Cab-o-matic

Our most ambitious cab refurbishment to date is this double cab bound for the USA. From 5 metres it looked reasonable but had been bodged over the…

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Happy New Year 2016 from All the Staff at Av

Happy New Year 2016 from All the Staff at Av

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year for 2016 and many more of them!Long gone are the days…

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Operation Spring Clean

Operation Spring Clean

Here we are in December with an early spring clean going on.We have just loaded 3 containers of Unimogs and parts for one of our oldest and best…

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Let There Be Light!

Let There Be Light!

We are all pleased with the new translucent panels in the roof and completely upgraded lighting.As part of our ongoing investment program we…

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Happy Travels

Happy Travels

Happy travels ahead for this new customer of ours! He has just bought a U1300L which we have carried out some repairs on and put it through an…

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