

Company news and updates.

Fast Hub Gears

Fast Hub Gears

Brand new fast hub gears now available for most SBU square cab Unimogs with 6 bolt wheels. The ratio of 25:15 gives a 20% speed…

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MOTS for Tractors

MOTS for Tractors

The Government has recently decided to introduce MOT testing for agricultural tractors used for haulage. This only applies to tractors capable of…

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Canadian bound U1300L camper

Canadian bound U1300L camper

The U1300L ambulance you see here with it's proud new owners Anne & Laddie.Anne & Laddie made the trip over in January to see their newly owned…

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406 cascade gearbox to the USA

406 cascade gearbox to the USA

Our customer Ed Tholl from Michigan, USA contacted us recently, we had been personally recommended to him to rebuild a 20 speed cascade…

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In the workshop

In the workshop

Our customer Ashley came to us recently looking for a U1300L that he could go on a few adventures with, we picked out a relevant U1300L and once…

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x3 U1300L crane Unimogs Panama bound

x3 U1300L crane Unimogs Panama bound

Recently completed, these 3 U1300L crane Unimogs for a mining company in Panama.After the success of the x2 personnel carrier Unimogs we supplied…

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Unimog rescuing people from flooded areas

Unimog rescuing people from flooded areas

Kerry Council had approached us last year looking for a Unimog which would be used for rescuing people from flooded areas, wading capability being…

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New Chipbox

New Chipbox

John Gornall has been a customer of ours for more than 10 years.He had purchased this U1600 from us last year and asked us to design a bespoke…

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Helping a U900 in the snow!!

Helping a U900 in the snow!!

Colin contacted us late last year looking for some tyre chains and various other parts for his U900.Colin needed the tyre chains for the harsh…

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Upgrades to a U1300L

Upgrades to a U1300L

Sebastian Winkler uses his ex-military U1300L to transport vintage military vehicles all over Europe. The Unimog can often be seen with a Willys…

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Testing the power & torque output on a customers Unimog

We have a dynamometer which allows us to accurately check the horsepower & torque of Unimogs (only those fitted with PTOs) against factory…

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Electronic Speedometer Upgrade

Electronic Speedometer Upgrade

We have developed a kit to replace the existing cable driven speedometers fitted to a lot of the older Unimogs with a fully electronic…

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Workshop Services September

Workshop Services September

Routine maintenance and repairs are of great importance to your Unimogs to keep them working well for you and your businesses. Please call us to…

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New addition to the Atkinson Vos team

New addition to the Atkinson Vos team

Rob is our newest recruit. He's gaining Unimog experience all the time, building on a strong background with the military & the rail industry.

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In the workshop

In the workshop

Our customer Simon came to us recently with his tired looking U1250, we completely stripped the Unimog back and gave it a fresh look. We…

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